Tuesday 18 October 2016

the importance of understanding an audience

Why is understanding a product’s audience useful for a designer?

Understanding a products audience is useful if not essential to selling that type of product, as the designer needs to know who this is aimed at and what it is used for. Some examples of a “target audience” would be kids, adults, gamers, teens, shop owners or McDonalds workers. The list is endless. Kids would like toys and perhaps dolls for girls. However, if you gave an adult this, they would probably think twice about it. I feel that target audiences are essential for selling products because if I were given a Barbie doll, I would probably throw it to my dog. But if you gave me an Xbox game then I would think differently. Another example would be if you gave an elderly person, around 70-80, an iPad or a PlayStation, there is a small chance they would know what to do with it, but if you gave this to maybe a teenager they would most likely be happy. My last example maybe that if you gave a teenager the new iPhone 7, they would love it. However if you gave it to a toddler, they would have no clue what it is and would just inadvertently take over a thousand pictures. The audience is essential and without it, toys and clothes would be made for the wrong person because you wouldn’t see 5 year olds in high heels or adults playing with a toy train track, would you? If yes then wow.

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