Monday 17 October 2016

180 degree rule

The 180 degree rule is a metaphorical line or line of action on which the camera should not pass over, as seen in picture below. The cameras are supposed to stay in one side of the line at all times, especially during a conversation so the audience doesn't get confused on where each person is standing. the green cameras in the blue area are on the correct side of the 180 degrees whereas the red camera is showing that it's on the wrong side of the line. The red camera isn't really on the wrong side all together it's just that it breaks the 180 degree rule turning it into a reverse angle on which is a different topic. The line is also there to show the eye line and looking space between 2 characters. The 180 Degree Rule says that 2 characters in a scene should always stay on their side of the screen. If you don't follow the 180 Degree Rule, or decide to break it, it changes the scene confuses the audience. When you break the 180 line, a person who was originally facing left in a scene is now facing right.

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