Monday 10 October 2016


Briefs are important as it needs to tell the person or group what is expected in their project. For example, a brief is a set of instructions which the given details may vary. These instructions are essential to the clients needs and requirements before a specific deadline date. The details vary between a tight, very specific project and a low detailed brief. Allowing the person or group to have more freedom over what they are producing.

This brief is not as detailed as some of the other ones meaning that the person creating this document has the ability to freely add or design the document as they want, whilst staying within the project boundaries.

This is a very detailed (bad quality picture of) brief for a short film and posters. This is telling someone that the client wants a specific topic to collaborate with acting or dancing whilst making a small film to go with their audience. I feel that this is a good brief as it is specific but not to closed off. It shows what is needed but also allows the actors to act out in their own way.
this is a basic BT media brief. There is not much information to go by but tells the person creating it what is expected in the outcome.
This is a brief template which the client can fill in what they want created and how they want it to look like. This is a large brief so the client can put as much of detail in as they want, whether its lots or little amount of detail.

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