Wednesday 8 February 2017


The hypodermic needle is a theory that follows the idea that people are being injected or manipulated with this new information that may or may not be true. where a news report shows a fake event that has or will happen. Through this, people believe it and don’t realise it is faked to get attention. The fake news also makes fake evidence or takes something else the wrong way. However the victims don't know this. An example of this would be the “Panic broadcast.” This was when radio version of H. G. Wells’ play “War of the Worlds” was being broadcasted as radio drama in 1938 as a Halloween episode which was directed by Orson Welles. The play was presented as news bulletins. American citizens thought that life from other planets were attacking a place in New Jersey. The outcome of this is that a lot of the population believed the broadcast and the thought of an alien invasion caused a major panic to millions of people. To this I'm going to say don't always believe in the media. I feel this relates to Instaram through people uploading perfect pictures of something which in reality isn't as good as it seemed. For example, if someone uploaded a picture of a nice, empty beach in sunny weather in England people from abroad would think "wow, that's a place I want to visit," were in reality it might be always raining and misserable.

The 2 step flow is where people get ideas and information from media sources and then tells other people about this information along with their opinions and interpretations. For example, someone hears about something on the news and then gives their interpretation or opinions to other people. The Two Step Flow Theory is also of interest to the advertising side of industries. In history, advertising companies realised that face to face communication is a great way to sell or recommend products. A lot of campaigns set out to influence people using their opinions and to target “opinion leaders”. However, this is something we have done occasionally somehow. We are more likely to buy a product if it’s been recommended by a friend or family. This relates to Instagram though the way companies advertise their products though getting celebrities to advertise it on their social media including Instagram and tagging or mentioning the product they are showing.

credits given to

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