Sunday 5 February 2017


Complete a peer assessment and produce a written document that critically analyses and comprehensively explains what your production was, how it went and how you could improve it.  This document can be divided into;



In this stage, I have had to carry out a variety of different tasks including scripts, storyboards and more. I think this was really challenging because I have had to create 3 different scripts due to being unable to find the right content for my video. Honestly, I am happy to have changed the script because I think this one works better and isn't as complicated as the original. If I was to change something then I would gather what I needed sooner such as gameplay.


I found this stage challenging as I'm not used to producing short films like this so I hope it will turn out alright. I thought finding the best camera angles were tough as well as moving setting the gameplay on screen to work well with the script.

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