Friday 10 February 2017

reflective blog C:U

My Caller Unknown film went really well and I am happy of my final outcome. Throughout this project, there have been quite a few difficulties throughout the production from the pre-production to the post-production. These included setbacks such as change of script, background gameplay and continuity. Besides this, the film turned out to be one of my best work yet, in my opinion.

In this, the script changed 3 times due to not being able to acquire the right gameplay for the computer screen. There were originally suppose to be 3 different clips to be shown from 3 different Call of Duty games. The plan was that the caller changed the games so they turned futuristic each time. This annoyed every player who loved the Call of Duty franchise in real life, so I decided to bring that aspect of "based on true events" to the film. When I couldn't find the right footage that I needed then the script had to be changed. However, I think that the new changes were a great idea because I only needed 1 bit of gameplay which was more successful than I had thought it would be.

In the script there is no real motivation for the caller to demand Steve to give him £10,000 besides to develop the plot. If I was going to give him a motive, I would say that this character was in the same game as the protagonist (Steve) where the caller was being made fun of by Steve, This made the caller really angry at Steve and he accidentally destroyed some of his expensive equipment. This led him to take his anger out on Steve by wanting the £10,000 to buy back the equipment. I feel that this isn't the best plot for this movie but I think it works well through how people usually react in these situations of raging online. I have seen/ heard people start throwing and destroying equipment through a simple online game, but this is how people react to raging at a game

This one really put the skills to the test. I'm not normally good at acting so this was challenging. I think directing my film was fun, trying to control the cast was hard because I'm not amazing at directing. But the outcome of the film was worth the effort in my opinion. If I was to improve it, I would make sure that I filmed every little bit that I need because I noticed that I didn't record me walking from the stairs to the exit door. It just looks like I teleported from area to the next. In that bit I was going to have me follow the caller outside but I guess I forgot that bit between Monday and Thursday.

I feel that this was the easiest part due to only having to collect the footage from the folder and put it in order. The only hard part in this section of the project was to find the right clips and put them in the right order. The two things I would do differently is to add sound effects or music in the background and to check what is wrong with the continuity of the film. Besides that, I am happy about the outcome.

Through peer assessment, I have been told that there are some continuity errors such as the lights were still on and the camera bag was in shot in the final scene in the car park. Apart from that it was apparently good and nicely edited through where the caller was calling Steve.

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