Sunday, 4 June 2017
Review of mini show
I think that the mini show we put on for the FMPs was good. I feel that the week leading up to the production was interesting and done tasks on our own terms. Planning and producing our production was really fun and I enjoyed it, especially setting everything up before the show. I don't really recall any major problems or anything bad about this throughout this apart from the small amount of people outside of our class who turned up and the audio on some of the clips. If I was to change any of this I would have moved the speakers so it was at the front of the room rather than the back. So I think it was fun and interesting to put together.
Friday, 12 May 2017
review of year
Since the year has started, I feel that I have gained some skills which I didn’t think I could be able to achieve. These skills include creating an animation, filming and directing my own short film (The Caller Unknown). I think that the progress I have made since I’ve joined the course has been improved a lot. I have put more effort in my blogs and work, learned how to create animations and films, talked to the some of the public, helped my classmates with filming and using programs such as adobe. Altogether, I think this has been a very successful year, even if I do fail, it would have been worth it due to the amazing course
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Throughout this FMP, I have been trying to keep my use of time under control, only helping other people out when I'm up to date on what I need. One way I have been trying to manage my work is through spreadsheets. These spreadsheets help focus my attention to up to 3 tasks per lesson, then colour code them after the lesson on how far away from completing it I am. Green means completed, orange means close to or midway through completing and red is haven't started
In my animation, I have done a scene where the stick man draws, extends and climbs a ladder. This was suppose to be a test run before I started my project, however, it took so long that I had no chance of making it again so I added it to make it part of my animation. I think this took me about 12 hours to make altogether, it took the longest to make throughout the film. All the other animations took me about 2-4 hours each. The filming of me in and leaving the room took me about 20 minutes to film, however, cleaning the room took 3 hours in preparation to filming just because nobody wants to see a messy room and I'd rather not trip on anything in the scene while moving towards the desk.
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
FMP screenshots

These are my screenshots of the production stage of my animation. There are 12 different parts to just the animation itself. I had to cut some parts out due to the short amount of time we had to make it.
These screenshots are in the order that the animation was set. There is 1 screenshot per part of animation except from part 4 (ladder scene) and 11 (where they jump into the paper) which have 2 screenshots

This is where I put all the animations and films together.
These 2 screenshots are where i posted my animation. Facebook and YouTube. I got more views on Facebook because I have more friends that see that than the YouTube channel, and being able to see who really commented is a lot better than someones youtube channel name. Although being able to see how many people have seen it is a lot easier to know who just watched it and didn't like it than liking it and don't know if they actually watched it.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Reflection blog
Evaluation blog
Introduce the project and theme in your own words
My animation, THE CREATIVE IMAGINATION, is about a 2 drawings coming to life, escaping their paper worlds and falling in love. This all happens on my desk as I leave the room to answer the door.
List five strengths and five weaknesses in your final design
5 strengths include:
- The animation running smoothly
- Most of it successfully runs at 50-56 fps
- The pictures of my desk come out at a decent quality
- The animation is longer than 2 minutes
- The music fits in with the film
5 weaknesses:
- The quality of the animation in full screen mode is poor
- I could have put an ending for when I walk back into the room
- The ladder scene took too long to create
- The part at the end of the animation where the characters jump into the paper, I could have made them jump in a straight line
- next time don't have a black iPhone dock in the background when the stickmen are basically black bodies themselves
What was the main idea from the theme? Can you describe it? Can you reference any influences here? (artists, directors, animators, brands etc.)
I got the idea of imaginations/ creations coming to life from The Lego Movie where everything that happens in the lego world is in Finn's (the kid) imagination. For example, the lego characters are flying round in a space ship they created, whereas in reality, the kid is running round with a lego model space ship.
What experiments and exploration did you do (what happens if). How did it affect your development?
What experiments and exploration did you do (what happens if). How did it affect your development?
I did experiment with the choice for the background music. My final 3 choices were:
Alan Walker- faded
Mako - Beam
Syd Matters - Obstacles (BeeziX Remix)
The one I did go for is the Obstacles remix just because the music suits the mood
Find a similar type of design publication - place it next to your own - what comparisons/difference can you identify?
I looked at some animations which I Thought were similar to mine and I found this one. The reason I chose this is because it involves 2 stick characters running round on a desk in real life. I have some other youtube clips that I have taken some ideas from but I feel that this one is probably the most relevant
What were the key areas of development in this project?
I think I developed my animating skills and to be able to judge how long things will take, including the animating. I think that one of the animating skills that have developed from the start of the project would be getting to know adobe animate better because for the ladder scene I kept using a blank keyframe (meaning I made each frame individually, drawing the characters from scratch each time), after that I got use to using a normal keyframe (this made it so the previous frame will come up again in that frame, making it easier to move the stick figures around without drawing/ making them again and again). The reason I said being able to judge how long things will take is because after making the ladder scene and the first 3 scenes after it, I was able to know where I was going with the animation rather than making it up with a vague idea on what to do. I noticed that since the Ladder scene, the other parts were a lot shorter, making it quicker to animate. I decided to make each scene in different files due to the fact putting it in one animate file/ document will mean that it will be a lot easier to lose everything and there would be a lot of different layers needed throughout, probably about 70-100 layers in total for the animation.
What was it like when you showed your product to friends and peers - how did that make you feel?
When I put the animation up on my FaceBook profile, within 24 hours 30 people had seen and liked it. I have had a couple of positive comments from people who think that the animation was great. The people that I know have watched it have said something either in person or in the comments, all have ranged from "its awesome" and "I love it". The one question people asked was "how long did it take?" The reactions I got made me feel pleased with what I got because it took a long time to animate, film, obtain music, make animation the right frame size, put it into premiere and upload it. Animating being the longest one due to the ladder scene.
What could you change about the work produced to improve and develop it?
If I was to change anything about the animation then I would add the scene where Dave (male stick person) looks out at the other piece of paper on the wall. This was a small scene which included the border of the paper and what it looks like looking out of it. This was originally going to be part of the animation but was never put in because the Animate document wouldn't load.
Review your statement of intent - what changed, what developments did you make, did you manage to complete everything you set out to?
Looking back on my statement of intent, I have done a lot of what I intended to do. The things I haven't done were taking screenshots as I went along just because I was distracted by my animation. From the Statement of Intent, I put the target audience as "teens" for no particular reason besides giving them a reason to animate because I found it enjoyable. Before I put this as my target audience, I thought that there was no need to specify who this is aimed to. Different age groups will like it for different reasons. For example, children will like it because it might be visually appealing to them, teens will like it because of the romance between the two characters and the background music. Then the adults will like it because they might be interested in how it was made. I don't know exactly who it should be aimed at.
Reflect on your pitch to the client; how did you feel about it before? Did it go better or worse than you expected? what was the feedback from the client/lecturer? what do you think you could improve next time?
From the lecturers that I know who have seen my animation, they have said it was a great work and that it is amazing. One thing that I could improve next time is to find a way to add the scene of Dave looking up out of the paper at the other paper on the wall
Review your statement of intent - what changed, what developments did you make, did you manage to complete everything you set out to?
Looking back on my statement of intent, I have done a lot of what I intended to do. The things I haven't done were taking screenshots as I went along just because I was distracted by my animation. From the Statement of Intent, I put the target audience as "teens" for no particular reason besides giving them a reason to animate because I found it enjoyable. Before I put this as my target audience, I thought that there was no need to specify who this is aimed to. Different age groups will like it for different reasons. For example, children will like it because it might be visually appealing to them, teens will like it because of the romance between the two characters and the background music. Then the adults will like it because they might be interested in how it was made. I don't know exactly who it should be aimed at.
Reflect on your pitch to the client; how did you feel about it before? Did it go better or worse than you expected? what was the feedback from the client/lecturer? what do you think you could improve next time?
From the lecturers that I know who have seen my animation, they have said it was a great work and that it is amazing. One thing that I could improve next time is to find a way to add the scene of Dave looking up out of the paper at the other paper on the wall
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Animations- created
Here is the first part of my animation that I made which isn't really the start but is the half way point

Monday, 27 March 2017
FMP story
Story: My story will consist of the main character (stickman) finding a pencil and drawing his way to a female stick person in a picture frame.
Start: in the bedroom with me (human) at the desk drawing a stickman when he is distracted and has to leave the room. When he leaves, the character will come to life and walk around for a bit. after about 5 seconds, he looks up at the room and sees a woman in a picture on the wall. As he look around to use to get to her.
Middle: The character looks to the desk and finds a pencil. He jumps up to grab it and misses a couple of times but finally gets it. He starts to draw some objects which don't really get him anywhere because he has only been alive for less than 5 minutes. He draws himself a brain and puts it in his head, resulting in him getting smarter and making more useful objects to achieve his goal. After a long period of drawing random and sometimes useful objects, he is finally able to reach the woman on the wall.
End. As the two characters meet, they fall in love and live happily ever after. Then when the human comes back, he sees that things have moved and the pencil has disappeared. When he sees that the stick woman has got into the other piece of paper, he rubs out the pencil and draws a family around the 2 characters.
Middle: The character looks to the desk and finds a pencil. He jumps up to grab it and misses a couple of times but finally gets it. He starts to draw some objects which don't really get him anywhere because he has only been alive for less than 5 minutes. He draws himself a brain and puts it in his head, resulting in him getting smarter and making more useful objects to achieve his goal. After a long period of drawing random and sometimes useful objects, he is finally able to reach the woman on the wall.
End. As the two characters meet, they fall in love and live happily ever after. Then when the human comes back, he sees that things have moved and the pencil has disappeared. When he sees that the stick woman has got into the other piece of paper, he rubs out the pencil and draws a family around the 2 characters.
Survey Responses
I feel that the survey responses have been really good and I like some of the responses that were given.
1. Would you watch this stick mans adventure in real life
Yes: 6
No: 2
Other: 0
Here I don't remember why I put other but it extends the amount of options I suppose. I understand why people would say no which is why I should have had a "Why" question following
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. What should the plot be?
I like most of these ideas like getting a girlfriend and be the hero of the world. Although being hero of the world seems like a great idea, I feel that him getting a girlfriend is more adventurous. For some of these answers I wouldn't put unhelpful but just "out there" ideas
3. If the stick-drawing came to life, what should it do?
4. Do you think that the idea of a drawing coming to life is a good idea?
Yes: 6
No: 2
Depends on the situation: 2
5. Why?
These are great responses because it is what people think about my idea and that they are all positive. Even though I have no clue what the first response is trying to say, I'm just happy the rest are mostly positive
6. What should I call the stick figure?
Dave: 1
Alan: 3
Will: 1
Daryl: 2
Other: 3
"Other" options:
I am actually disappointed in this one because I was hoping to call him Dave, but I expect I should listen to the audiences responses
7. What music should I have in the background?
I like the fact there are 2 actual songs in these responses and 3 saying I should choose.
8. How long would you plan to watch this animation?
30 seconds: 1
1-3 mi nutes: 3
3-5 minutes: 2
5-10 minutes: 2
>10 minutes:0
Other: 2
"other" option: 1 hour
only last 3 minutes
Here I feel the responses are reasonable even though my questions are not great. I have got 2 options for 3 minutes and 2 options for 5 minutes.
Looking at this, I will try and make the animation around 3 minutes long.
1. Would you watch this stick mans adventure in real life
Yes: 6
No: 2
Other: 0
Here I don't remember why I put other but it extends the amount of options I suppose. I understand why people would say no which is why I should have had a "Why" question following
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. What should the plot be?
He gets a girlfriend
Him waking up to a bad day full of failed events
He meets a girl and dies
what ever you want
goes maccies
he could the hero of the world
if you know you know
I like most of these ideas like getting a girlfriend and be the hero of the world. Although being hero of the world seems like a great idea, I feel that him getting a girlfriend is more adventurous. For some of these answers I wouldn't put unhelpful but just "out there" ideas
3. If the stick-drawing came to life, what should it do?
Fall It got no balance
fail at life
Explore with world and all its wonders
order a burger
make hime explore the world
4. Do you think that the idea of a drawing coming to life is a good idea?
Yes: 6
No: 2
Depends on the situation: 2
5. Why?
I didn't want another roy situation
just depends
Because its unique
Cuz it totally wicked
i think it will look cool
sounds like good bants
because its more interesting to watch
WHy would it have been dead in the first place if it's possible for such magic to be alive
These are great responses because it is what people think about my idea and that they are all positive. Even though I have no clue what the first response is trying to say, I'm just happy the rest are mostly positive
6. What should I call the stick figure?
Dave: 1
Alan: 3
Will: 1
Daryl: 2
Other: 3
"Other" options:
I am actually disappointed in this one because I was hoping to call him Dave, but I expect I should listen to the audiences responses
7. What music should I have in the background? I would watch if the music was this
pff anything
whistling tune
alan walker-faded
hardcore rock
up to you
Vera Lynn
Sexual ft. Dyo
I like the fact there are 2 actual songs in these responses and 3 saying I should choose.
8. How long would you plan to watch this animation?
"other" option: 1 hour
only last 3 minutes
Here I feel the responses are reasonable even though my questions are not great. I have got 2 options for 3 minutes and 2 options for 5 minutes.
Looking at this, I will try and make the animation around 3 minutes long.
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Music idea
Possible music ideas
The “shooting stars” meme
Bag raiders-Shooting stars
M83-Midnight city
Any Other Way
Alan Walker- faded
7 Nation Army
Battlefield 4 theme
Can’t Hold Us
I will return
Undertale - Drop Pop Candy
Marshmello- Summer
Hugo- 99 Problems
Some rock music
Coldplay- Something Just Like This
Mako- beam
Mako- beam (Marc oh! edit)
Galantis- no money (Max samuel trap remix)
Chainsmoker and Halsey- Closer (Justin Caruso remix)
MOTD- Rusty cage
Ed Sheeran- Shape of you (Zous remix)
ShadowBeatz- Just One More Night- Rave
Oh My Domin!- Incoming!
Marshmello- ColoUR
The Fat Rat- Time Lapse
The Fat Rat- Unity
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down [Remix]
Kongos - Come With Me Now
SoE- snakeskin boots
Coldplay- Something Just Like This
Mako- beam
Mako- beam (Marc oh! edit)
Galantis- no money (Max samuel trap remix)
Chainsmoker and Halsey- Closer (Justin Caruso remix)
MOTD- Rusty cage
Ed Sheeran- Shape of you (Zous remix)
ShadowBeatz- Just One More Night- Rave
Oh My Domin!- Incoming!
Marshmello- ColoUR
The Fat Rat- Time Lapse
The Fat Rat- Unity
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down [Remix]
Kongos - Come With Me Now
SoE- snakeskin boots
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
fmp feedback
My feedback
The feedback I got from my lecturers during my presentation was mainly positive. The main point was that I did not have a plot to my story which is a big problem regarding that all I have noted is just me at my desk drawing a stick person and leaves the room. then the camera moves to the desk, over the paper and the animation begins. I have been given some ideas such as have the character see a picture of a female stick person and have him try and use the pencil to create things he thinks will help him get to her. Or, have Dave run around my room and move things so when I get back I would look confused in why things have moved or disappeared.
Besides that, I was told this was an interesting idea and to keep it simple.
The feedback I got from my lecturers during my presentation was mainly positive. The main point was that I did not have a plot to my story which is a big problem regarding that all I have noted is just me at my desk drawing a stick person and leaves the room. then the camera moves to the desk, over the paper and the animation begins. I have been given some ideas such as have the character see a picture of a female stick person and have him try and use the pencil to create things he thinks will help him get to her. Or, have Dave run around my room and move things so when I get back I would look confused in why things have moved or disappeared.
Besides that, I was told this was an interesting idea and to keep it simple.
Monday, 13 March 2017
mindmap ideas
Here is my mind map with my basic animation ideas. It was enjoyable just coming up with these ideas even though I may not be able to use any of them just because I don't have the skills required to create something like a first person view of going to work, although it would be easier than 3rd person I still couldn't do that. My 4 main topics are Humans, animals, apocalypse and personifying objects. I figured that my idea would probably meet the human topic and in 3rd person. I think my idea would be just be a clash between real life and a drawing, such as a view of my room and the camera zoom into a drawing on my desk. From there the drawing moves across the paper and creates some sort of story.
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
In todays lesson, we were told to make Emoji's. When we started I was
Once we started and I realised my emoji's didn't turn out great I was

Because I couldn't make a good looking emoji I was

Then my colours didn't work like they should have and I sat there

Then finally I finished my emojis. I was

When I looked round and everyones looked great, I sat there
Looking back, I realised I should have changed the tones of the colours (shade). So Im there

Once we started and I realised my emoji's didn't turn out great I was

Because I couldn't make a good looking emoji I was

Then my colours didn't work like they should have and I sat there

Then finally I finished my emojis. I was

When I looked round and everyones looked great, I sat there
Looking back, I realised I should have changed the tones of the colours (shade). So Im there

Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Mini Research Project
In this mini project, we were told to go out and ask people how they manage their time whilst working. During this, I have learnt that only a small number of people use time management apps where as 11 people said they never use time management apps. From the people who said that they use apps, they told us that they used reminders/ calendars on their phones to tell them what they need to do and how long they have to do it. Even though people 11 people meet their deadline "most of the time," 13 people find they use they sometimes use their time effectively. I think that the 3 people who Use their time effectively "all the time" are the people who always meet their deadline. This means from the 13 who "sometimes" use their time effectively, only 11 meet their deadline and 2 either never or rarely meet it. This shows that they are either distracted or do not use time management apps. This is where I can say that not many people have caught onto the idea of time management apps. From this, I think I should use some time management apps whilst I do college work at home just to make sure I get more work done.
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
shape animation
love and theft
I feel this was a really interesting and confusing video to watch due to all the things that were going on at once. I liked this as it is really creative in the sense that it included cartoon characters, such as spongebob and spiderman, merging together through animation. I found this interesting because this must have taken either days or weeks to perfect, even adding the colours could have taken a while to fit into what's happening.
What was it about?
I think that this is about a man who had a flashback or just an illusion about being sick on a ship which is heading to an island due to the "end of the world" scenario. But when he gets to the roof of the ship with a gun to his head, he is stopped by a nurse. At this moment, we see that he is a lot older and is only on the roof of his flat.
my thoughts
I think that this was an interesting short film in the way it is set out on a boat in the persons head but in reality he was in his apartment. I feel that this person is suffering from dementia and this is the reason we seen the whole boats and island scene before the nurse turned up.
I really like the animation in the way it is presented in a 3D form
I think that this is about a man who had a flashback or just an illusion about being sick on a ship which is heading to an island due to the "end of the world" scenario. But when he gets to the roof of the ship with a gun to his head, he is stopped by a nurse. At this moment, we see that he is a lot older and is only on the roof of his flat.
my thoughts
I think that this was an interesting short film in the way it is set out on a boat in the persons head but in reality he was in his apartment. I feel that this person is suffering from dementia and this is the reason we seen the whole boats and island scene before the nurse turned up.
I really like the animation in the way it is presented in a 3D form
Monday, 27 February 2017
This is one of the tasks we had done. This was a "comic book strip" summed up in 3 boxes. I made this out of stamps and stencil/lettering outlines to show a short story of Steve the Fish. I liked the fact we were able to use stamps because it is a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. If there was something I didn't like about it would be that I would have liked to spend longer on this and use more boxes.
Here are the "artworks" I made. The one in the middle is an origami envelope which I used to hold this part of a leaflet. The envelope wasn't as complicated as I originally thought it would be because all you needed to do is grab 2 pieces of square paper on top of each other, turn it so its a diamond shape, fold the top corner inwards to the middle, move both the bottom flaps in towards the opposite end and there you have a colourful envelope. What I like about this would be the fact I was able to use 2 good colours and was able to produce this envelope. I did not like the fact this is a little bit small but size doesn't matter and this was fun either way.
Amazing scrapbook
A scrapbook is a book version of a collage full of images and colour connected to a theme
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
analytics insta
For the analytics, I decided to use squarelovion to find out what public activity has happened towards my profile. These are my results:
These 2 graphs show the best times to post through what interactions happen by the public. The first graph shows that sunday was where most people viewed and liked my photos
Here are the amount of photos/likes/comments and followers I had gained over the week when I carried out this project.
Here are the tags I used. As shown here, I have used #bcaltbath the most as it was the main tag that we were suppose to use.
These 2 graphs show the best times to post through what interactions happen by the public. The first graph shows that sunday was where most people viewed and liked my photos
Here are the amount of photos/likes/comments and followers I had gained over the week when I carried out this project.
Here are the tags I used. As shown here, I have used #bcaltbath the most as it was the main tag that we were suppose to use.
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Print Lettering Name
Here is my name in print letters. I finished Sam Jones so i decided to turn it into Samuel Jones just to get the practice into placing the letters into size and scale
This is an animated gif that I made which has "Samuel" rolling into place.
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