Tuesday 22 November 2016

question set 1

1. Write about the person who has had an impact on you. Could be a relative, a teacher, your parents, brother or sister, neighbour, somebody else. Describe them or tell a particular incident that involves them. (Or do both.)
The person that had an impact on my would be my friend Brandon

2. Did you ever get in trouble? In school? With your parents? With the police? What happened?

Yes. in year 8 history, I messaged a friend ******* and the teacher saw it. got kept back for half hour and ipads were not allowed out unless advised to. luckily he forgot two years later when i had him for GCSE 
history for an extra 2 years.
After that, I was really annoying towards others, especially teachers who didn't like me. Even before I was annoying. I'm still annoying now. Like at this very moment I am most likely annoying the hell out of someone.

3. Can you remember any stories from your childhood that involved animals? How about spiders, any good spider stories?
I cant think of any animal stories, even spiders. I actually like spiders

4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? When did it all start? How does it a effect your life today?

If I could change one thing about me, I would be more confident. Then I wouldn't be single :) Doubt it. I would probably try and get a better job

5. What were you scared of as a child? (Nightmares? A relative? Spiders? Something else?) What happened that made you so afraid?
I was afraid of death. only up until I was 10

6. Did you ever break any bones or hurt yourself? Did you ever hurt anyone else? Get in a fight? What happened and why?

The only time I remember actually hurting someone would be knocking my friend off his stool in science in yr 9

7. What is your most embarrassing moment?

Rather not say

8. Is there a special place that stands out in your mind as being especially significant? It could be peaceful and your special place or it could be the place you had to go to when you were punished. Describe why this place/space is so memorable. It might be your Grandfather’s shed, a eld, a room, seaside, etc.

This for me would either be on the edge of a cliff at Brixham beach or hanging off Berry Head (a bigger cliff)

9. Any good Special event, Birthday or holiday stories that come to mind?


10. Did you ever play a joke on someone that worked really well?

No because I'm bad at making practical jokes work

11. What was your favourite possession when you were little? Do you still have it? Did you lose it?

I dont actually remember. Even if I did have one, I probably don't have it anymore.

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