Tuesday 8 November 2016

short film pt 2 and animation

The Whale

This really short 1 minute video includes a sailor who I can guess is looking for this whale which he was stood on, mistaking it for a rock. The visual aspect of this was slightly cool as it had moving waves and a moving telescope to let us see what he is looking at. The whale bobbing in the water is  a good visual aspect as well.

Fat cat

I think this was a really confusing video because it had the fat cat eating and getting fatter, I couldn't keep up with the narration. The animation was nice but I don't know what type of animation it is. The message could probably be don't be greedy and fat. The colours are dull and brown.

Winter animation

In this animation me and Byron made a clip of the them of winter. The main topic is well everyone practically dying by being squashed, melting and falling apart. This isnt the most positive film we have made but is probably the most creative.

This is the story board on what we based the film on. we followed most of it but not all all of the frames.

Now here is the video which we made out of it. Although this was only 8 seconds long, it has a lot of action, well mainly death. I think this was good in the way the characters are made and how the snowman melts. I feel that the snowman melting was the best part/ only creative part (that makes sense).

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