Thursday 17 November 2016

5 shot method

The 5 shot method includes different types of shots.

1. The first shot is the close up of the hands. This is  showing what the hands are doing and is great for the opening scene of a short film. 

2. This is a close up of the face. This is used to show what the person looks like and to show his facial expressions.

3. Wide shot. Here the shot shows the area of which the film is taking place.

4. Over the shoulder shot. It is what it says it does and looks over the persons shoulders to see what their looking at

5. finally the alternate/ unusual shot. Just a different view of whats happening.

Rice Paper clip.

This is the close up of the hands at the start of the video.

Close up of face to show facial emotions

Wide shot is

Overshoulder shot

Alternate shot. This has moved from the woman to whatever these are.

Guitar interview

This is a group made 5 shot method

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