Monday 21 November 2016

Film treatment and script for a Caller Unkown

Title: A caller unknown:

Old Synopsis: Gamer plays CoD with a friend when a phone rings. The unknown caller States he wants £1m or the CoD franchise dies and you will be forced to play in space

New synopsis: Steve is playing zombies with Will when an unknown caller rings. The caller wants £10,000 or else he will take away the power. This makes Steve go and investigate whats happening and meets the caller to figure something out.

Target audience: teens

Genre: if I was going to pick a genre it would most likely be comedy

Steve: played by me

Will Workman: Louis

Caller (Unknown): Zach

Location(s): Hive D, the stairs near the media department and car park

Audio: I will record the caller in a different audio from the film itself

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