Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Monday, 28 November 2016
sci fi college
Sci-Fi collage
USSR Enterprise
Millennium Falcon
Stormtrooper uniform
Space suit
Predator outfit
Hoodie and mask
Formal Presidential suit
Giant Alien armour
Space blue
Green Orange
Mark Watney
President Whitmore
Godzilla (1998 and 2014)
Aliens (from Aliens and Independence day 2)
New York
Golden Gate Bridge
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
question set 1
1. Write about the person who has had an impact on you. Could be a relative, a teacher, your parents,
brother or sister, neighbour, somebody else. Describe them or tell a particular incident that involves
them. (Or do both.)
The person that had an impact on my would be my friend Brandon
2. Did you ever get in trouble? In school? With your parents? With the police? What happened?
Yes. in year 8 history, I messaged a friend ******* and the teacher saw it. got kept back for half hour and ipads were not allowed out unless advised to. luckily he forgot two years later when i had him for GCSE
history for an extra 2 years.
After that, I was really annoying towards others, especially teachers who didn't like me. Even before I was annoying. I'm still annoying now. Like at this very moment I am most likely annoying the hell out of someone.
3. Can you remember any stories from your childhood that involved animals? How about spiders, any good spider stories?
I cant think of any animal stories, even spiders. I actually like spiders
4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? When did it all start? How does it a effect your life today?
If I could change one thing about me, I would be more confident. Then I wouldn't be single :) Doubt it. I would probably try and get a better job
5. What were you scared of as a child? (Nightmares? A relative? Spiders? Something else?) What happened that made you so afraid?
I was afraid of death. only up until I was 10
6. Did you ever break any bones or hurt yourself? Did you ever hurt anyone else? Get in a fight? What happened and why?
The only time I remember actually hurting someone would be knocking my friend off his stool in science in yr 9
7. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Rather not say
8. Is there a special place that stands out in your mind as being especially significant? It could be peaceful and your special place or it could be the place you had to go to when you were punished. Describe why this place/space is so memorable. It might be your Grandfather’s shed, a eld, a room, seaside, etc.
This for me would either be on the edge of a cliff at Brixham beach or hanging off Berry Head (a bigger cliff)
9. Any good Special event, Birthday or holiday stories that come to mind?
10. Did you ever play a joke on someone that worked really well?
No because I'm bad at making practical jokes work
11. What was your favourite possession when you were little? Do you still have it? Did you lose it?
I dont actually remember. Even if I did have one, I probably don't have it anymore.
2. Did you ever get in trouble? In school? With your parents? With the police? What happened?
Yes. in year 8 history, I messaged a friend ******* and the teacher saw it. got kept back for half hour and ipads were not allowed out unless advised to. luckily he forgot two years later when i had him for GCSE
history for an extra 2 years.
After that, I was really annoying towards others, especially teachers who didn't like me. Even before I was annoying. I'm still annoying now. Like at this very moment I am most likely annoying the hell out of someone.
3. Can you remember any stories from your childhood that involved animals? How about spiders, any good spider stories?
I cant think of any animal stories, even spiders. I actually like spiders
4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? When did it all start? How does it a effect your life today?
If I could change one thing about me, I would be more confident. Then I wouldn't be single :) Doubt it. I would probably try and get a better job
5. What were you scared of as a child? (Nightmares? A relative? Spiders? Something else?) What happened that made you so afraid?
I was afraid of death. only up until I was 10
6. Did you ever break any bones or hurt yourself? Did you ever hurt anyone else? Get in a fight? What happened and why?
The only time I remember actually hurting someone would be knocking my friend off his stool in science in yr 9
7. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Rather not say
8. Is there a special place that stands out in your mind as being especially significant? It could be peaceful and your special place or it could be the place you had to go to when you were punished. Describe why this place/space is so memorable. It might be your Grandfather’s shed, a eld, a room, seaside, etc.
This for me would either be on the edge of a cliff at Brixham beach or hanging off Berry Head (a bigger cliff)
9. Any good Special event, Birthday or holiday stories that come to mind?
10. Did you ever play a joke on someone that worked really well?
No because I'm bad at making practical jokes work
11. What was your favourite possession when you were little? Do you still have it? Did you lose it?
I dont actually remember. Even if I did have one, I probably don't have it anymore.
pyramid scheme
pyramid scheme feedback
The animation was interesting and creative in the way they shown the idea of being introduced or trapped in a pyramid scheme. Many companies including Amway and Nu Skin enterprises, both of which are health and beauty companies, have been accused of being pyramid schemes. I do not know if it has been proven yet but these are multi-billion dollar companies which was made from net revenue.
The animation was interesting and creative in the way they shown the idea of being introduced or trapped in a pyramid scheme. Many companies including Amway and Nu Skin enterprises, both of which are health and beauty companies, have been accused of being pyramid schemes. I do not know if it has been proven yet but these are multi-billion dollar companies which was made from net revenue.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Film treatment and script for a Caller Unkown
Title: A caller unknown:
Old Synopsis: Gamer plays CoD with a friend when a phone rings. The unknown caller States he wants £1m or the CoD franchise dies and you will be forced to play in space
New synopsis: Steve is playing zombies with Will when an unknown caller rings. The caller wants £10,000 or else he will take away the power. This makes Steve go and investigate whats happening and meets the caller to figure something out.
Target audience: teens
Genre: if I was going to pick a genre it would most likely be comedy
Steve: played by me
Will Workman: Louis
Caller (Unknown): Zach
Location(s): Hive D, the stairs near the media department and car park
Audio: I will record the caller in a different audio from the film itself
Old Synopsis: Gamer plays CoD with a friend when a phone rings. The unknown caller States he wants £1m or the CoD franchise dies and you will be forced to play in space
New synopsis: Steve is playing zombies with Will when an unknown caller rings. The caller wants £10,000 or else he will take away the power. This makes Steve go and investigate whats happening and meets the caller to figure something out.
Target audience: teens
Genre: if I was going to pick a genre it would most likely be comedy
Steve: played by me
Will Workman: Louis
Caller (Unknown): Zach
Location(s): Hive D, the stairs near the media department and car park
Audio: I will record the caller in a different audio from the film itself
Thursday, 17 November 2016
5 shot method
The 5 shot method includes different types of shots.
1. The first shot is the close up of the hands. This is showing what the hands are doing and is great for the opening scene of a short film.
2. This is a close up of the face. This is used to show what the person looks like and to show his facial expressions.
3. Wide shot. Here the shot shows the area of which the film is taking place.
4. Over the shoulder shot. It is what it says it does and looks over the persons shoulders to see what their looking at
5. finally the alternate/ unusual shot. Just a different view of whats happening.
Rice Paper clip.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Rise of Web Comics
This is an interesting video as it tells us about what they thing is funny in a comic and what their comics are revealing in the way it's structured and categorised. I.e Reality, fictional, humorous and virtual. I think that Homestruck was an interesting comic as it is set in a game and the readers or the players read the comic through their actions.
This is an interesting video as it tells us about what they thing is funny in a comic and what their comics are revealing in the way it's structured and categorised. I.e Reality, fictional, humorous and virtual. I think that Homestruck was an interesting comic as it is set in a game and the readers or the players read the comic through their actions.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Foley is about adding sound effects from creating noise with equipment. For example, the most common, the sound of a horse running by using two half coconut shells.
In moving image, we were sent out to collect different sounds that associate with the library film. These sounds include chewing, turning a page, chewing and slurping a Starbucks (which in our case was a McDonalds). I felt that this was a fun but challenging task. Collecting the sounds were the easier part but editing them so it mixes in with the film was a lot harder due to timing. To work with the timing, I had to shorten some of the sound effects to a fraction of a second and keep playing it repetitively.
In moving image, we were sent out to collect different sounds that associate with the library film. These sounds include chewing, turning a page, chewing and slurping a Starbucks (which in our case was a McDonalds). I felt that this was a fun but challenging task. Collecting the sounds were the easier part but editing them so it mixes in with the film was a lot harder due to timing. To work with the timing, I had to shorten some of the sound effects to a fraction of a second and keep playing it repetitively.
christmas card
Complete a Market Research blog post on Christmas cards, using examples of Christmas cards from high street shops and websites. Analyse them by describing what layout, textures, typography and images they use. Include findings from existing market research and history of the christmas card, what is the religious significance?
The first card does meet the rule of three as the bottom section has writing, The middle section has the bears and the top section has the decorative background.The text in this card is small and hard to see from this picture but it says "At this festive time of year." This is a good line, even though it doesn't say it directly it still refers to Christmas and is still giving it the traditional christmas feel to it. Their use of bears and brown background gives the card a new feel to it because it isn't the traditional snow and white snow everywhere, santa or presents. I feel this is nice, not just because it is different and there are bears in it but that it's showing a different side to who is enjoying Christmas. I think that £5 is a bit over priced for this card but if it's popular then it maybe just enough to get bought by customers.
In this Christmas card the rule of thirds are shown through the writing in then top section, the heads of the people in the middle section and the body of the people in the bottom. The text in this is in a typewriter sort of font whist giving that joking feel from "partners in crime at Christmas." This isn't a serious card as you can tell from criminals taking presents and "Partners in Crime" giving it a jokey feel to it. I feel that £3 is again overpriced just for this card. I would be more likely to pay this much for the last card. I would probably pay £2 for this or £2.50 at most.

In this one, just like the previous one, has writing in the top section and the penguins in both the middle and bottom section, heads in the middle and bodies in the bottom. In this Christmas card the words "Special Couple" are in a handwriting font whereas the rest of the words doesn't. This makes the "Special Couple" more special to whoever this is being sent to. I think the theme of animals are great, especially when it comes to penguins. Unfortunately, I can't see the price for this but I would possibly pay around £3 for it.
Honestly I do not see any religious significance in any of there cards except for being Christmas related. However, the religious side to Christmas does not need to be linked to Christmas cards but if the card is going for a religious theme then I would recommend going for an easy Jesus in a manger just because it is easy to spot out and is directly linked with religion.

This infographic shows us facts about Christmas cards. One of the facts says "only 15% of cards are bought by men" This means that 85% are women. To appeal to this I should make my design suitable towards women in order for it to be purchased. 678.9 million cards were sent in the UK in 2010. This is a big number and i need to make my card appealing to my target audience or to change it to suit a more popular audience. Finally "72% of 8-24 year olds intend to send christmas card compared to 91% of over 55s." For someone designing a christmas card, this means that they should aim it towards people over 55 who have different interests to those between 8 and 24. If i was to do this again then I would make my target audience around 50 year old women.
The first card does meet the rule of three as the bottom section has writing, The middle section has the bears and the top section has the decorative background.The text in this card is small and hard to see from this picture but it says "At this festive time of year." This is a good line, even though it doesn't say it directly it still refers to Christmas and is still giving it the traditional christmas feel to it. Their use of bears and brown background gives the card a new feel to it because it isn't the traditional snow and white snow everywhere, santa or presents. I feel this is nice, not just because it is different and there are bears in it but that it's showing a different side to who is enjoying Christmas. I think that £5 is a bit over priced for this card but if it's popular then it maybe just enough to get bought by customers.
In this Christmas card the rule of thirds are shown through the writing in then top section, the heads of the people in the middle section and the body of the people in the bottom. The text in this is in a typewriter sort of font whist giving that joking feel from "partners in crime at Christmas." This isn't a serious card as you can tell from criminals taking presents and "Partners in Crime" giving it a jokey feel to it. I feel that £3 is again overpriced just for this card. I would be more likely to pay this much for the last card. I would probably pay £2 for this or £2.50 at most.

Honestly I do not see any religious significance in any of there cards except for being Christmas related. However, the religious side to Christmas does not need to be linked to Christmas cards but if the card is going for a religious theme then I would recommend going for an easy Jesus in a manger just because it is easy to spot out and is directly linked with religion.

This infographic shows us facts about Christmas cards. One of the facts says "only 15% of cards are bought by men" This means that 85% are women. To appeal to this I should make my design suitable towards women in order for it to be purchased. 678.9 million cards were sent in the UK in 2010. This is a big number and i need to make my card appealing to my target audience or to change it to suit a more popular audience. Finally "72% of 8-24 year olds intend to send christmas card compared to 91% of over 55s." For someone designing a christmas card, this means that they should aim it towards people over 55 who have different interests to those between 8 and 24. If i was to do this again then I would make my target audience around 50 year old women.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
short film pt 2 and animation
The Whale
This really short 1 minute video includes a sailor who I can guess is looking for this whale which he was stood on, mistaking it for a rock. The visual aspect of this was slightly cool as it had moving waves and a moving telescope to let us see what he is looking at. The whale bobbing in the water is a good visual aspect as well.
Fat cat
I think this was a really confusing video because it had the fat cat eating and getting fatter, I couldn't keep up with the narration. The animation was nice but I don't know what type of animation it is. The message could probably be don't be greedy and fat. The colours are dull and brown.
Winter animation
In this animation me and Byron made a clip of the them of winter. The main topic is well everyone practically dying by being squashed, melting and falling apart. This isnt the most positive film we have made but is probably the most creative.
This is the story board on what we based the film on. we followed most of it but not all all of the frames.
Now here is the video which we made out of it. Although this was only 8 seconds long, it has a lot of action, well mainly death. I think this was good in the way the characters are made and how the snowman melts. I feel that the snowman melting was the best part/ only creative part (that makes sense).

This really short 1 minute video includes a sailor who I can guess is looking for this whale which he was stood on, mistaking it for a rock. The visual aspect of this was slightly cool as it had moving waves and a moving telescope to let us see what he is looking at. The whale bobbing in the water is a good visual aspect as well.
Fat cat
I think this was a really confusing video because it had the fat cat eating and getting fatter, I couldn't keep up with the narration. The animation was nice but I don't know what type of animation it is. The message could probably be don't be greedy and fat. The colours are dull and brown.
Winter animation
In this animation me and Byron made a clip of the them of winter. The main topic is well everyone practically dying by being squashed, melting and falling apart. This isnt the most positive film we have made but is probably the most creative.
This is the story board on what we based the film on. we followed most of it but not all all of the frames.
Now here is the video which we made out of it. Although this was only 8 seconds long, it has a lot of action, well mainly death. I think this was good in the way the characters are made and how the snowman melts. I feel that the snowman melting was the best part/ only creative part (that makes sense).
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
short stop film
Darkness, light, darkness
I felt that this was an interesting film in the way each body part, including the brain and tongue, get together and form the body. In my opinion, I liked how it was put together both physically and through sound effects. The most used colour would be the green as it was used throughout the body except the eyes, brain and tongues. It must have taken hours or even days to create.
This film is about little maze people living their lives whilst trying to find the way out. Inside the maze, there is a mask factory, bar and probably homes as shown at the start. I feel the film is really about looking at things in a different way, like the mirror. I said the mirror because the main character followed his dog through the mirror and out of the maze.
First movie
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