Thursday 15 December 2016

shot list Caller Unknown

Shot list:
( ) = shot type

(over shoulder shot)
Steve: watch out behind you

(mid shot of screen)
Will: i got it

Steve: nice

Will: wow that was close. That could have ended badly

Steve: gigidy

Will: Really

Steve: yarp

(close up of phone)
*phone rings*

Steve: oh i got a call

(mid shot of Will)
Will: from who? your Bae?

Steve: shut up

Will: Who is it then? Bloody Brandon?

(medium close up of Steve)
Steve: Would you give me a chance to see who it is

(overshoulder shot looking at Will)
Will: No now hurry up and find out

Steve: Mate ur single give me a sec

Will: ok mr cockey

(mid shot of Steve)
Steve: (in Cleveland voice) hey, Who is it?

(close up of phone)
Caller: R u enjoying your game??

(mid shot of Steve)
Steve: I was until you asked creeply  Why?

(Back to phone)
Caller: What would do if cod ended up being futuristic?

(back to Steve)
Steve: what do you mean

(mid shot of of me holding phone)
Caller: Multiplayer and campaign.  boost jumping and wall running around the maps with energy powered guns.

Steve: I dont really care what happens then. Im a zombies player

Caller: what if i changed that?  Do Aliens and energy rifles sound fun?

Steve: Not really. What do you want?

Caller: £500,00

Steve: £500K!!!! Who do u think i am?

Caller: I don't care Steve, Just get me the money or changes will be made

Steve: Yeah right?

Caller: Don't judge me

Steve: OR what?

*Game changes from Origins (BO2) to Revelations (Bo3)*

Steve: What?!

Will: What happened? Steve?????!

Steve: (picks up phone) What happened???

Caller: I told you not to judge

Steve: Dammit. I suppose it could be worse

Caller: You have 3 hours to get that money or game over

*Hangs up*

Steve: 3 HOURS!!!!!!!

Will: What the balls is happening??

Steve: We need to find £500K in 3 hours or CoD will become more futuristic than it is now


Steve: I know right

Will: I cant be asked to find that money yet. Do you wanna finish this game first?

Steve: Sure. WE will probably be 30 mins maximum

* 3 hours later*

(close up of screen, round change)
Will: Round 99 and... 100

Steve: nice and it only took..

(close up of screen clock)
*looks at clock*

Steve.. 3 HOURS!!!

Will: Oh well. Whats the worst that can happen?

(close up of phone)
*Phone rings*

Steve: Here he is again

Will: Just say you almost have it but need more time

Steve: Fine

*picks up phone*

Caller: Times up

Steve: Wed almost have it all, we need more time.

Caller: Lies.

Steve: No its not

Caller: If it wasn't then why were you streaming on twitch for the last 4 hours straight?

Steve: No I... Dammit workman

Caller: Not so smart now are you? Heres a present

*game changes from Revelations to Zombies in spaceland*

Will: What is this??

Steve: Ok.. what do u want?

Caller: You decided to suffer the consequences than to help those CoD fans

Steve: How are we gong to settle this then?

Caller: Meet me downstairs in 20 mins.. dont be late

*Hangs up*

Will: What now? The stream is goin crazy

Steve: I have to meet him downstairs in 20 mins

Will: Alright then. Just one game of this tho.

Steve. Why??

Will: Because theres a robot and an arcade

Steve: ok. Only for 10 Mins tho

Will: Fine

*2 hours later*

Will: And round 81... new world record

Steve: Well that was interesting

Will: What did you have to do again?

Steve: i had to meet him downstairs in tw......

Will: In what?

Steve: In 20 mins

Will: Go then

Steve: Dont act like its my fault

Will: Why are you still here Go

Steve: I just stood up. Calm ur boobs

*walks towards stairs*

Steve: well he aint here. unless he is down stairs. Duh that would make more sense

(over shoulder shot)
*walks down stairs*

(Mid shot of me with "caller" sneaking up behind)
Steve: well I hope he has left me alone

*caller gabs him from behind and drags him away*


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