Sunday 22 January 2017

C.U Character detail

Steve- main protagonist- Steve is the main character in this film who started off playing Call of Duty zombies with some online players whilst waiting for his friend Will to visit. In the film, Steve Gets a call from an unknown caller who demanded £10K or else the power will be turned off. Steve is put in a difficult decision as he does not have £10,000 to give him and he is in the middle of his game.

Will- Steve's best friend- meets Steve and takes over his game whilst he talks to the unknown caller.
Will doesn't have a big role towards the story but does have a slight impact to the story. This is where Steve gets the first call and says "I need to give this person £10K or else he will turn off the power." if Will wasn't there then Steve would have met up with the caller without being able to consult with anybody about where he was going. But having Will there, Steve stayed an extra hour which made the caller call a second time and to turn off the power. I think that Will is the catalyst to the caller turning off the power.

Caller unknown (C.U)- Antagonist- Threatens Steve for £10,000 or he will turn of the power. Once he is told that Steve doesn't have the money, he kidnaps him in return. The script has no real motivation for this except for the plot. If I was going to give him a motive, I would say that this character was in the same game as the protagonist where Steve was lightly making fun of him which upset the "caller" and made him get really angry at Steve and accidentally destroyed some of his expensive equipment. This led him to take his anger out on Steve by wanting his money to buy back the equipment. I feel that this isn't the best plot for this movie but I think it works well through how people usually react to raging online.

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