Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Type and Layout

The font type are the same in these pictures, they all share the same large, bold letters.

The Difference between SERIF and SANS SERIF faces

As shown in the picture above, SERIF font includes the different size lines and extra corner areas on the ends of the lines which makes it look more fancy or creative. SANS SERIF is ordinary texting wth the same (ish) size lines and no extra lines or corners.

Difference between KERNING and TRACKING

Tracking is the amount of space between a group of letters which effects how big the word is.

KERNING adjusts the spacing between individual letters/ characters in texts

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

First Week at Bath College

First Week at Bath College

Since this is my first year at Bath College, I feel that my first week at bath college is going really well so far. The Creative Media course which I have chosen is fun and interesting in which we are learning about the different ways media has effected everyday life through news, films, TV and others. So far I have had a busy day studying theory and moving image, both of which were fun. This is my first post and I doubt it will be good but i think it is an interesting introduction to the website. I don't have much to say as I'm still on my first week but from what I have done so far I think that my time at Bath will be an interesting journey into reality.